By joining The Rrapi Homestead, a Private Ministerial Association and/or any website or Social Media Group started by, created by, maintained, or organized by the Association, I agree to the terms and conditions of The Rrapi Homestead, a Private Ministerial Association, Agreement as follows:
WE HEREBY Declare that we are exercising our right of “freedom of association” as guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the U.S. Constitution and equivalent provisions of the various State Constitutions, as well as the Canadian Charter of Rights. This means that our Association activities are restricted to the private domain only and outside of the jurisdiction of government entities, agencies, officers, agents, contractors, and other representatives as provided by law.
(A) I am voluntarily changing my capacity from that of a public person to that of a private member.
My activities within The Association are a private contractual matter that I refuse to share with the Local, State, or Federal investigative or enforcement agencies. I fully agree not to pursue any course of legal action against a fellow member of The Association, unless that member has exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil, and upon the recommendation and approval of the Association.